Now for the hard part (SQE2) … but let’s make it easy for you.

SQE2 preparation courses don’t always give you what you need. We have provided key resources to supplement any SQE2 preparation course you are taking: actual precedents that will almost inevitably come up in the SQE2 exam.

Access our SQE2 resources online, from anywhere

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Future Solicitor

Essential resources to supplement your SQE2 preparation.

Our module content is focused only on those areas of the SQE2 syllabus which are almost inevitably going to come up – with actual precedents and video walk-throughs.

How it works

Step 1: You need to be with another SQE2 provider

Our SQE2 materials are designed to supplement your existing preparation, not replace it or provide a full SQE2 preparation course.

Step 2: Step-by-step SQE2 walkthroughs

Each of our SQE2 modules has practice SQE2 test exercises and explanations of the ‘perfect’ SQE2 answers.

Step 3: Model SQE2 answers

Check out our model answers – on the areas that will almost inevitably come up in the exam.

Step 4: Revise easily with our video summaries and diagrams

Refresh your memory without wading through textbooks

What you get in your SQE2 resources, as part of your subscription

– Step-by-step walkthroughs (practise SQE2 test exercise and explanation of the answer)
Model SQE2 answers
– Example documents for the SQE2 exam

Remember that our SQE2 resources alone will not be sufficient by themselves to get a pass on the SQE2 exam, but they will be super helpful to supplement your preparation if you are with an existing SQE2 course provider (especially if you are doing last-minute revision and want to focus on what is actually likely to come up in the SQE2 exam!).