Land Law

The Land Law Module

  • Only what you actually need to know for the SQE 1 exam for Land Law.
  • 40 bite-sized videos so you can learn faster.
  • The entire Land Law SRA syllabus into 65 easy diagrams.
  • Test your knowledge as you go with sample Land Law questions.
  • 40 colourful study notes to refresh your knowledge quickly.
Course Content

Nature of Land

  • smart_displayDistinction between real property and personal property
  • smart_displayRights in Land
  • smart_displayHow to acquire and dispose of legal and equitable interests in land
  • smart_displayMethods to protect and enforce third party interests
  • smart_displayDifferent ways in which land can be held
  • smart_displayThe Transfer contract
  • smart_displayThe Transfer deed (Formalities for the creation or transfer of a legal estate)
  • smart_displayThe Transfer of equitable rights

Title to Land

  • smart_displayRegistration & Proof of Ownership
  • smart_displayThe Register
  • smart_displayFirst Registration
  • smart_displayPowers of a registered owner & Which dispositions are registrable?
  • smart_displayThe Rules for Priority of Interests in Registered Land & Dealing with Minor Interests On The Register
  • smart_displayInterests that override registration; and overreaching
  • smart_displayRole of title deeds & Unregistered Land
  • smart_displayLand Charges
  • smart_displayContinuing role of doctrine of notice

Continuing role of doctrine of notice

  • smart_displayDifferences between joint tenants and tenants in common in law and in equity
  • smart_displayRule of survivorship
  • smart_displaySeverance of joint tenancies
  • smart_displaySolving disagreements between co-owners by reference to sections 14 and 15 of Trusts of Land & Appointment of Trustees Act 1996
  • smart_displayProprietary Rights
  • smart_displayRelationship between landlord and tenant in a lease
  • smart_displayEssential characteristics of a lease including the difference between a lease and a licence
  • smart_displayPrivity of contract and privity of estate
  • smart_displayRules for the passing of the benefit and burden of leasehold covenants and enforceability
  • smart_displayPurpose and effect of an alienation covenant
  • smart_displayRemedies for breach of leasehold covenants
  • smart_displayDifferent ways a lease can be terminated
Visual learning

The course provides unique diagrams you won’t find anywhere else, distilling what you need to know for the exam into videos and manageable, bite-sized colourful study notes. This means you’ll understand the material faster and retain the knowledge longer so you remember it when you’re in the exam.

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Daniel R. Quiroga-Villamarín

Verified Reviewer

As a qualified lawyer trained in another jurisdiction interested in the SQE route, Future Solicitor offers exactly the services I was looking for! The versatile platform is easy to navigate and it allows users to move easily between modules depending on your needs. For instance, in my own Civil Law jurisdiction the fields of Criminal Law or Tort Law are taught distinctively differently to how these areas work in the English Common Law tradition, so I knew I needed to devote more time to that course than to Public Law or Dispute Resolution. I also found the study notes and practice exams very helpful to retain key information —especially when it came to memorising salient titles and sections. I am certain the platform will prove to be a key resource for both UK-based degree-level students and foreign lawyers trained in other jurisdictions who seek to be qualified in the English legal market!

Vish Vishvanath

Wow, brilliantly organized course that somehow makes you feel like a genius after having done each section – everything is clearly explained and super insightful, it’s like the Khan Academy for SQE, and all the content is easy to handle at whatever pace you want to go.


Verified Reviewer

This is an excellent, extensive course covering complicated topics with a lot of detail. Not only are the video lessons useful and easy to follow, study notes with diagrams and practice exams are included throughout, letting me to test my understanding and see my progress. Highly recommended!