Not sure where to start? Get started for free. Try our Contract Law module for 7 days, to see whether your learning style fits our approach. You also get full access to 5 of our mini-mock exams, to see our interface in action, with 168 mock exam questions to test yourself.
- Contract Law module free trial access
- 5 mini-mock exams
- 168 mock exam questions
- Up-to-date as at March 2025
SQE1 preparation course
For students looking to start preparing for SQE1 exam with comprehensive curriculum that cover’s SRA published syllabus or for students looking to revise for SQE2.
Save 16% – March discount
£297.00 (Excl VAT)
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- 4,700+ SQE1 sample questions
- 835+ bite-sized videos
- 1350+ Focused diagrams and mindmaps
- 815+ Colourful study notes
- Comprehensive coverage of SQE1
- Up-to-date as at March 2025
SQE2 resources
We have provided key resources to supplement any SQE2 preparation course you are taking with model SQE2 answers, step-by-step walkthroughs (practise SQE2 test exercise and explanation of the answer) and example documents for the SQE2 exam.
Save 16% – March discount
£397.00 (Excl VAT)
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- 5 modules
- 10+ hours of video lectures
- Sample documents
- 20+ sample SQE2 questions
- Up-to-date as at March 2025
SQE1 prep & SQE2 resources (Bundle)
This is for students preparing for SQE1 who also want to know what is likely to come up in the SQE2 exam and students with SQE2 providers who want to enhance their SQE2 preparation and brush up on their underlying knowledge from the SQE1 syllabus.
Save 28% – March discount
£497.00 (Excl VAT)
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- 4,700+ SQE1 sample questions
- 835+ bite-sized SQE1 videos
- 1350+ Focused diagrams and mindmaps
- 815+ SQE1 colourful study notes
- 14 SQE1 modules
- Comprehensive coverage of SQE1
- 5 SQE2 modules
- 10+ hours of SQE2 video lectures
- SQE2 Sample documents
- 20+ sample SQE2 questions
- Up-to-date as at March 2025